Detox Your Home Office

As we wind down our detox process, you may have already have tackled your home office space. It may be tucked into the corner of another room or just at a table in the kitchen. If you're truly blessed you may have an extra room that serves as your computer/bill paying area.

No matter where your office supplies are physically, they still need to be cleared out and organized. You can save yourself tons of time and energy later by having your paperwork and bill-paying needs all in one place.

1. Tackle the paper. Yuck...yuck...and more yuck. If you're like me you have plenty of paperwork that needs to be kept and a whole bunch that needs to be shredded and discarded. Before you do anything else, sort through those stacks and files and do some serious purging. You may need to set up a new filing system, but a better idea is just to slim down what you have on-hand. This may be a whole day job, or you might decide to spread it over a few days so you won't get burnt out and never finish.

2. Gather all those bits and pieces. If there's one thing that annoys me it's having to run all over the house to find the little things I need to accomplish one task. You can save time, energy and frustration by filling a central location with everything you need for those office-related tasks. Think about it: envelopes, stamps, the budget book and address labels are all in one place. There are business cards, addresses, phone numbers and other contact information, and plenty of space for all those tiny bits - paper clips, safety pins, markers, pen and pencil, plus some extra odds and ends that just needed a home.

3. Clean and organize. Find a place where you can store everything, have it handy and have the workspace necessary to get your work done. Clean the furniture around the office area, get new supplies if you need them and then re-plan how to restock the area.

And in three simple steps you've detoxified your home office area. Some parts may be time consuming, but the effort is worth it in the long run.


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