The 31-Day Greeting Card Challenge

Yesterday we attended the seventh funeral in our church since Thanksgiving. It has been a heart-breaking time of loss, memories and home-goings. What a meeting we'll have in the air when Jesus returns!

In between visitations, funerals and graveside services, I keep having the same thought: Did I say the right things? When we speak from the heart, God will give us the words to say to family and friends who are grieving. Sometimes all they need to hear is that we love them and are praying for them. Those words can mean the most of all.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21

Or will we say anything at all? Words have the power to wound and the power to uplift. Not saying anything can be just as destructive to someone's heart as saying the wrong things. I'm ashamed to say that I haven't said things that could have (or should have) been said, and now it's too late.

That's why tomorrow I'm starting a 31-Day Greeting Card Challenge. Each day for the entire month of March I'm, going to mail one greeting card every day. Some will share love and update on the latest news. Others will share my heart and how I'm praying. And some will be for very special birthdays!

I pray that you'll join in this sharing of words. There may be people in your life that never hear from you. Or they may be struggling and one pretty card form you can make all the difference. Don't have those same sad feelings when you're sitting in a funeral service, wishing that you'd said those things when you had the opportunity.

Take the opportunity for the next 31 days. Or once a week for four weeks. Or just once in that month. It doesn't matter how often, it just matters that you make the effort to share words with someone who needs them.

Maybe you need to show some appreciation that is long overdue.

Or perhaps there's someone on your heart that needs to know that you're praying for them.

Someone may need some encouragement on their walk with God this week.

Or someone might be in the hospital, headed to the hospital or just home from the hospital and need some uplifting words.

We all know 31 people, and this could be the bonding experience you need to grow your circle of friends. Don't sit around waiting to hear responses, but rejoice in the blessings of the Lord if and when you do. My goal for the next 31 days is to share God's love with as many people as I can and let Him handle the rest.

If you're looking for some beautiful cards with great KJV Scripture in them and on them, head to our etsy shop: We're open 24-7 so you can share God's love.


  1. I'm taking the challenge.
    My March 1st card has been written and will be in the mail tomorrow.

  2. That's wonderful, Susan! Think of how many people's lives Jesus Christ can touch through us when we make the effort! Let me know how it goes - I pray it will be a wonderful month of March!

  3. How is your month going, Laura? Have you been able to keep up and send out 24 cards so far?
    I haven't. I've been away on vacation and didn't plan well enough to mail while I was gone. I think I have 15 sent, but I'll just keep sending them into April... :0
    God bless you today.
    PS - I found an old post of a recipe of yours I'm making tonight - The Orange Angel Food Cake Dessert from November. Sounds yummy and it will make me feel like it's spring!


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