The Secret To Living With No Regrets

In the beginning of each July, I thank God and praise Him for my salvation. I don't remember the exact day I accepted Jesus' sacrifice and made Him Lord of my life, but I remember how He changed me forever, how He made me His own, and I remember how that one moment would impact me for the rest of my life.

I wish I had accepted Christ as my savior sooner. I wish I had learned to love God's word sooner. I wish I had started my growing-up years knowing that I would go to heaven when I die.

But my life truly started over the day I got saved. It is now my mission every day to stay with Jesus, learn about Him through Scripture and make Him the focus of everything I do. I feel like the servants in Jesus' parable who were given the talents. I've been given such a precious gift by a loving and merciful Lord, and it brings me joy beyond belief to be a good steward of what He's trusted me with. I haven't been perfect - I've made so many mistakes - but His mercies are new every morning!

And what a blessing to know that I will be able to end this earthly life with Jesus by my side. Our pastor began a Sunday evening message series on heaven yesterday, and the very first one was both eye-opening and comforting. God's word has so much to tell us about what happens when we end with Jesus, and each verse makes me want to get as close to Him as I can for the rest of my life.

This is the secret to living a full, productive, joyful life. Start with Jesus, stay with Jesus and end with Jesus. He blesses those who honor Him, and that's what I want to spend the rest of my days on earth doing. The best is yet to come, and I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned. No regrets!


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