Never Doubt That God Is Aware

Even the woman who has been saved for decades has days when it feels like her prayers go no further than the ceiling. Something in her life keeps her from feeling close to God, and she wonders if He has left her alone on the path. She may know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it isn't true, but that doesn't dispel the feelings of loneliness and abandonment.

David knew these feelings well, and we read about his concerns, his failures and his pleas with God for His presence and His watch care. In Psalm 139, David's believing heart cries out to the Lord, thanking and praising Him for His awareness of everything in David's heart.

O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knows my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. Psalm 139:1-3

Even during our darkest hours, God tells us in no uncertain terms that He is aware. His promise to never leave us nor forsake us can be lost in the pain and suffering of the day, which is why His Word is full of passages like this to remind us. David's words of belief and hope can be ours today as well.

* He looks - God searches our minds and hearts to see our deepest desires. He looks to find our motivations, our needs and our desires. Our Heavenly Father sees us wherever we go, and He sees what we think we've hidden away. We can have confidence that His eyes are always on us, no matter where we are.

* He knows - He is fully and completely aware of all we think, feel, do and desire. We can't hide away any little thing somewhere out of His sight. He knows us, He knows our thoughts, He knows everything we've ever done. He knows where we've been, He knows where we are right now and He knows where we're headed from here.

* He understands - Hebrews 4:14-15 remind us that there is nothing in our lives that Christ doesn't know and didn't experience for Himself on earth. How much more, then, should the Lord know and understand whatever circumstances come into our lives today?

* He is present - No matter how we feel, because feelings are deceitful, our God is near. He is the hedge of protection around us each and every day. There is nowhere we can go or hide that He isn't by our side. His very presence gives us rest and peace.

* He is familiar - He is well acquainted with all our ways. Not just the ways we are on the outside, but intimately familiar with all the internal struggles, thoughts and wants. He takes notice, walks with us and stays close to our side. There is no one who is more acquainted with us than God Himself.

As you go about your week, cast away any feelings of loneliness or abandonment. Your ever-present Lord searches you, knows you, understands you and promises to stay by your side and be intimately involved in every moment of your day. This is His promise, and He delights in spending that time with you.


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