Molly's Trip To The Vet

Molly had to go to the vet's office this week to get her yearly physical and shots. Getting her in the car was the easy part because she loves going for rides. She goes right to the back door and waits until I catch up with her, then jumps up and in with almost as much enthusiasm as when she's about to get a treat!

Since she's such a big dog, I can roll down the windows about halfway and she won't fall out, obviously. She loves the wind and the smells - I think she's probably wishing I drove slower so she could be a little more thorough in her air examination.

Molly is an amazingly well behaved dog at the vet's office. She's not terribly fond of the slick tiles floors, and if I were that tall and far off the ground, I wouldn't be either. Other than that, she takes everything in stride. She can see over the counter in the reception area, and everyone falls in love with her immediately.

And here are my answers to all those questions I hear:
Yes, she's friendly.
She's a girl.
Her name is Molly Jo.
She's 3 years old - she'll be 4 on Nov. 1.
No, she really doesn't eat that much.
No, she didn't come with a saddle, although we are thinking about selling rides to make some spare cash.
Yes, she knows exactly how big she is.
No, she's never eaten a smaller dog.
Yes, she's amazing with children.
She loves cuddles, treats and long walks in the park.

Once the vet techs are ready to start, it's fairly quick and easy to get her blood work and shots taken care of. Molly will let you do anything to her without a fuss, so everything was over and done with in a matter of minutes. She got a perfectly clean bill of health, and she surprisingly only weighed 111 pounds. She feels like twice that when she is draped all over you taking a nap.

We don't have to go back for a year, barring any accidents or emergencies. I'm sure the vet and employees there will be looking forward to another easy visit.


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