What's Your Perspective?

For the past few weeks, God has been leading me through a couple of different storms. They have not been easy, and there is really no end in sight for one of them. I'm absolutely certain that you've been through the same kind of situations in your own walk with the Lord.

There have been moments during this time that I have been ready to throw in the towel and call it a day. I've run the range of emotions from angry to frustrated, sad to discouraged and just plain done.

But lately, through much time in prayer and Bible study, I have found a peace that passeth all understanding. Instead of being up in arms over the situations I've been placed in, I'm becoming aware of how God is moving through every one of them. And because of this realization, He can work through me, using me as an instrument of His peace.

I can choose to look at these storms as completely hopeless and abandon ship. But while this thought have have crossed my mind several times, that's the wrong perspective. If I'm right in the very middle of the darkness, isn't that the perfect place to let God's light shine through me? I can't help from the sidelines, but I can contribute with everything that I am if I'm right in the center of the field.

For years I've had this written in the front of my Bible: Sometimes God calms the storm, and sometimes He calms me.

The circumstances may never change. But I can still be in the absolute center of God's perfect will and have a clear perspective of myself, what's happening and where the Lord wants me at this exact moment.

So what's your perspective?

Is it a challenging co-worker - or an opportunity for intercessory prayer?

Is it a serious health problem - or God slowing you down to draw you closer to Him?

Is it communication issues - or the perfect time to simply listen?

Is it financial difficulties - or the Lord teaching you to be content?

Is it someone demanding something of you - or a moment for you to give of yourself freely and with a smile?

Is it pain and defeat - or God's strength and victory?

It's all about your perspective. The circumstances of the day may never change, but you can allow God to change you completely, from the inside out. What a glorious change He can make in our lives if we'll just look at things the way He does.


  1. Needed this today and for the months ahead.

  2. I'll be praying for you, your circumstances and your perspective.

    May God bless you exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think.

    Have a wonderful day in His presence.


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