One of God's Lists

I don't know if you're like me or not, but I love lists. I like seeing all the information right in front of me, and I thoroughly enjoy crossing things off my lists. It's that sense of accomplishments.

There's something about a list that just sums things up for me. It's not paragraph upon chapter upon novel trying to get to the point. You look at a concise amount of information and know what you're supposed to know.

I like lists.

So when God lays out a list for me in His Word, I get all excited. There are so many lists in the Bible, and I know that the Lord knows that I love His lists best of all.

One that recently touched my heart is found in 1 Timothy. I'm sure I've read it a dozen times before, but I never really paid attention to it until now. Isn't it amazing how the Living Word works on your heart?

Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Would you like a checklist of what Paul told young Timothy was the way to be an example of the believer? Here it is in very simple terms:

* Be an example in your word: Does your speech reflect the Christ living in your heart with every word you say?

* Be an example in your conversation: Does the way you live your day-to-day life say that you're a child of the King?

* Be an example in your charity: Do you love everyone you come across in your daily walk the way God loves them?

* Be an example in your spirit: Do you have an attitude that conveys the joy of salvation?

* Be an example in your faith: Do your reactions to circumstances show that you're resting in the Lord and trusting Him?

* Be an example in your purity: Do those around you know that you're working to be separate from the world?

Paul told Timothy that age doesn't matter. This list should be a check-up for us all, regardless of how old we are. What does matter is how it convicts your heart.

I know I needed this list. How about you?


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