Apple Nachos

Are you ready for an amazingly wonderful treat?

This was our breakfast one morning this week.  They're called apple nachos - think of them like thin chips covered in ooey-gooey deliciousness.

This really isn't a recipe. It's the story of how I made ours, and then you can decide how you want to make your own.

My ingredients for two plates:
1 honey crisp apple
peanut butter
caramel syrup
shaved coconut
mini chocolate chips

So here goes - I used the  mandolin to make super-thin apple slices. Use a knife if you have to, but this is much easier. (I say that because Danny did it. Hmmm...)

You're going to serve these immediately, so don't worry about lemon juice or keeping the slices from browning.

Heat a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter in a bowl. Heat it just until it's runny and then stir it really well. Drizzle it over the apples. It's looking yummy already.

But wait! There's more!

Now drizzle the caramel syrup and add the other toppings. Serve immediately, eating just like you would nachos. Keep the extra of your ingredients close by so you can add more as you work your way through the layers of apple.

I'd love to hear what toppings you use! Let me know if you enjoyed this as much as we did.


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