My Prayer Bench - By The Water

Danny moved the prayer bench he made me down to the pond.  It's in the most perfect spot, right in the middle of a grove of trees and right next to the water.

This is exactly what I wanted - a spot to sit and have undisturbed time with the Lord. I can't even hear the traffic from the road when I'm down here. The woods muffle all the noise and leave nothing but birds singing and leaves rustling in the breeze.
And this is what you can see from my very perfect bench spot. The leaves are just starting to change in bursts of fall colors, and you can see every one of them from here.

There is no better place to have quiet time with God than out here.

It has been the most wonderful gift my husband could have given me - a place to go and pray away from the hustle and bustle of the day. My heart is blessed that my husband loves me so much that he gave me a special place to be with the Lord.


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