Cornbread-Crusted Chili

Now that the temperatures are falling and it's getting darker earlier each day, I'm in a chili kind of mood! We've had three different kinds in the past two weeks.

But this one was my absolute favorite. It's crusted with cornbread stuffing and set under the broiler for just the right amount of crunch. I'm sorry that you only get a partial picture of it, but this was all that was left after we both attacked it.

1 pound ground beef
1 15-oz can chili beans with gravy, slightly drained
1 16-oz jar salsa
1 cup frozen corn
1 package cornbread stuffing mix
6 Tbsp melted butter

1. Preheat broiler.

2. In a large boiler-proof skillet, preferably cast iron, brown the beef. Drain. Stir in the beans, salsa and corn. Heat through.

3. Melt the butter in a bowl, then add the stuffing mix. Sprinkle evenly over the beef mixture.

4. Broil 3-4 inches from the heat, about 2 minutes or until the top is browned.


  1. Hi Laura,
    Today's recipe sounds SO Good! Perfect for today in Western Nebraska. We finally got some rain. Giving Thanks. Mary


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