A Weekend Of Acting Squirrely

Usually the word "squirrely" has negative connotations. It's typically a slang word to describe someone with questionable character, someone odd or a little crazy.

But this weekend I want to give the word "squirrely" new meaning.

This little guy couldn't see me taking his picture through the front door. He could hear a little noise and was alert, but because of the angle of the sun I was completely invisible. He was aware of my presence, but went about his business of finding lovely things to eat.

This weekend I challenge all of us to have this same squirrely attitude. Yes, there are things behind the door that we can't see - evil, the unexpected, people who would see us harmed, maybe even a tragedy or disappointment. At this moment we're aware there's something out there, but we just can't quite see what's happening.

We have two choices: be afraid or be squirrely. We can hide inside and cower in fear. Or we can be victorious in the Lord and be like the squirrel, going about our Father's business. One choice will destroy our peace and joy. The other will heighten our awareness of God's grace and block out the negative.

Are you ready to be squirrely this weekend?


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