Some Days Are Tougher Than Others

I started a new round of workouts this morning - and I'm whooped!

With the move, living in a hotel and the moving-in process, I had completely given up "exercising" for over a month. Oh yes, I've gotten in some good workouts just moving boxes around, but nothing that really challenged my body the way an organized workout does.

So, needless to say, I found muscles I forgot I had. Just a couple of minutes into my routine I was ready to give up and crawl back into bed. Those few hours of sleep I just finished would have been a really good excuse and who needs to do a full workout the first day anyway?

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:14-15

Isn't it easier to stop when things get uncomfortable? Why keep pushing your body, your mind or your testimony? Life would be much more simple if you weren't always striving and trying, wouldn't it?

Under the inspiration of God Himself, Paul urges us to continue on. When we know what we know, we have all the motivation we need to stick with it. Some days are tougher than others, but we're called to press on even when those around us are giving up and falling by the wayside.

And that's hard. But combine self-control with the grace of God and we have everything we need to make it through this moment.

This morning.
This day.
This week.
This month.
This year.
This earthly life.

So don't stop today when the going gets tough. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and continue in the things you have learned. It will make the day both joyful and productive in the cause of Christ.


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