All Unpacked And Ready To Craft!

I'm now one step closer to being settled into our new life in Iowa - I've opened my etsy shop back up!

Yes, after days and days of toting boxes down to the craft area of our basement (lots and lots of boxes), I can finally get back to work. Or is it play when you love it so much? Hmm...

If you go to the shop this week, you'll see lots of black and white. There's a reason for that, so don't adjust your screen. I challenged myself to do something completely different for an entire week. I'm using one set of papers, in just two colors, just to see how many different styles and combinations I can create. It's a lot harder than it sounds!

But the results have been amazing! Two sets of cards have already flown out the door (Thank you Cherie!) and I'm so excited with the traffic that's coming through.

It's been a long few weeks with all of my crafting supplies packed away, so be ready for lots of new stuff. It was like a really weird Christmas - Look, it's a paper trimmer! Look, it's idea books! Look, it's...oh, wait. Those are mine. I forgot.

And who knows what I'll challenge myself to next week...there are so many colors and patterns out there. And the Lord is showing me new Scripture every day to use. Such a joy.

Try this idea in your crafting projects, too. Work a little outside your comfort zone and see what creative new finished products you'll make.

So go visit the shop and let me know what you think! Go to or just click on the pictures in the left hand column. Enjoy!


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