Road-Side Wisdom

Over the past two weeks I've spent more than 32 hours in the car. It was time for a road trip home to Iowa to see family and get in some R&R. So it's a good thing I enjoy traveling!

Most of our country's roads are bordered with wall-to-wall billboards. Advertising everything from food to shopping to the next gas station, it's impossible to ignore them. This is how businesses attract your attention and draw you into their establishments.

Before I even left town - I hadn't even been in the car for half an hour yet - a sign caught my attention. It was for a restaurant chain and it read: "Deep breaths. We're closer than you think." The restaurant wanted the billboard readers to get to their establishment quickly and satisfy their cravings for food.

Since I don't particularly like this type of restaurant, I didn't stop. In fact, I probably sped past and didn't even realize it. The truth is that I was thinking about that sign in an entirely different way.

Perhaps it was because I had been praying for traveling mercies all day, so I was in a God-centered state of mind. When I saw those words, "Deep breaths. We're closer than you think," I immediately thought of Scripture.

And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. Genesis 28:15

That restaurant was closer than I thought, but my Lord is closer. I don't have to hyperventilate over not having their food handy, but I also don't have to panic because my God is never going to leave me. I might be able to drive away from the store, but I'll never be able to leave God's presence.

So no matter what's got you breathing funny today, take deep breaths. God is closer than you think, and He's promised to stay right there.


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