I had been looking for a reminder bracelet for ages, but couldn't find one that I liked. The idea is that it has number beads or different sized beads that represent a number. All the examples I saw were either very juvenile or just too busy for what I wanted.
So I made my own. I wanted one that would count the number of glass of water I drink each day. Popular theory is to drink eight 8 oz glasses of water each day, though the amount really varies by location, time spent outside and the humidity level. So I'm trying to average eight glasses.

Now, I know how to make necklaces and bracelets on jewelry wire, but that wasn't the look I wanted this time. Instead, I found a 2 1/2 inch bracelet with a 2-hook closure. It's the perfect length for my thin little wrist and is a more solid base for the beads.
Then I very carefully unbent one hook to string the beads onto. If you do this too violently or try to bend it more than once, you'll snap the wire. I found some beautiful silver textured beads that were already coordinated, then pulled out eight larger beads. These will be the eight glasses of water. Then I separated them with tiny beads and bent the hook back in place - carefully!

It would have been pretty just like this, but that wasn't my purpose. I needed a way to mark my water intake throughout the day. So I found a darling little charm...one without a clasp. So I bought a package of lobster claw clasps to turn it into exactly what I wanted.
With two jewelry pliers I spread the attached ring and slid on the clasp. It's just that easy to turn any charm into one with a clasp - so simple!

This bracelet can be made to order for just about any need. I've seen them for daily times to feed the baby or take medication. Weekly, they can be for exercise, Bible reading or keeping track of just about anything. Just change the number of beads to represent whatever you'd like!
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