Preparation For Detoxification

Starting today we begin the process of detoxing our lives - home, body, attitude, mind - the whole kit and caboodle. This is a huge undertaking, but with prayer and planning we can rid ourselves of the contaminants we've allowed in.

Before we start cleaning, sorting or throwing out anything, we need to find God's perfect will for our lives. Do a prayer walk through your house, asking the Lord in each room what He sees as problems. Pray that each area of your home be used in ways that will glorify and honor Him. What is it in each room that is keeping you from serving Him better or in new and exciting ways. Carry a notebook with you and jot down what the Holy Spirit reveals to you.

You may discover that layers of dirt and dust are creating health problems, making you less effective as God's servant. Or maybe clutter has made your bookkeeping and finances less than efficient, so you can't use the blessings He has given you to their fullest.

Perhaps your home is in beautiful, clean condition. Praise God if it is! But there is little worse than being in a rut and not enjoying the blessings God has in mind for us. Do the prayer walk anyway and see what areas you need to expand, dream and create wonderful testimony's to God greatness.

Ask that the Lord would open your eyes to the ways He wants you to build your home. Pray for wisdom and time management so that you can devote all you are and everything you have to Him. Going into any project with a plan is smart, but beginning it with God's strength and support is an outline for success.

Next, gather the tools you're going to need:
* Cleaning supplies
* A box labeled "donate"
* A box labeled "sell"
* Trash bags
* A pen and paper
* Your Bible

Keep all of these things handy for your journey through the detox process. We've all been overrun by something in our lives, either physically, spiritually or mentally, and this is the opportunity to work them all out.

Do your prayer walk today and prepare for whatever the Lord may tell you. Tomorrow we'll dig in to the detoxing with the most important part of any project - your attitude!


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