Detox Your Mind

If you've even done a fraction of the detoxing we've been talking about over the last few days, chances are that you've had both good thoughts and bad thoughts about the process. The mind is incredibly powerful for both motivation and destruction, depending on how you allow it to work.

We've all had those depressing days when that voice in our head tells us that everything is bad, we'll never get anything accomplished so why try. When we don't turn off our minds to those lousy thoughts, our mood plummets, our productivity takes a dive and we'd rather curl up with a pint of Rocky Road than work around the house.

An important part of our life detox process is filtering out our mind. The thought process we use to be good servants and good stewards for the Lord is essential.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

We have been given a new, transformed mind that is capable of focusing on God's perfect will. It's the flesh that says, It doesn't matter how the house looks. The renewed mind says, I will take care of the home God has blessed me with.

The flesh says, You've been so busy all day - leave those chores for another day. The renewed mind says, Do all to the glory of God. Take care of what needs to be taken care of.

The flesh says, No one will notice if those things go undone. The renewed mind says, God will notice. I will notice.

God's good, acceptable and perfect will isn't for you to have a showroom-ready house. It's not about being picture perfect all the time, but creating an environment that reflects His perfect love. The conviction from there is personal, but our calling is to keep, build and care for our home. Now our minds just have to pick up the slack.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

Paul wrote this verse to the brethren, to the believers. The saved have been given the gift of mind control, and not in some science fiction way. Through God's grace we can choose what our minds think about, what they meditate upon and how they move from concept to completion. We're not like the world, going by feelings and impulses. Our brains can filter out the desires and lusts of the world and focus on those beautiful thoughts of God.

If we look at those true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good, virtuous things around us, there will be praise and rejoicing in our hearts. Chores are just depressing tasks until the mind tells us that they are service to God and family. Errands are just boring trips until the mind decides that they are important opportunities to witness and serve. Perception isn't restricted to the eye - it's also in our mind.

Detox your mind by shutting off the voice that wants to bring you down. Your mind is not a tool of depression and discouragement, but a tool for the Lord to use. This isn't easy, but it's necessary to be joyful and victorious in this present world. Find those beautiful thoughts Paul described and keep those in the forefront of your mind. Then cleaning the bathroom or washing the windows won't seem like meaningless time-wasters, but moments for serving God and finding beauty in keeping your home.


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