Detox Your Schedule

If you're truly serious about ridding your home and your life of all the junk you've allowed in, it's going to take some time. Yesterday we talked about clearing out the entryway of your home - this is not a project you can tackle in a day and be done with it. It requires time and attention to truly detox a space.

Even if we were to spend hours in each room and days examining our lives, we would still just scratch the surface of the grime we've built up. Each layer that we clean off or sort out is a powerful, positive step toward being the victorious Christian woman that God designed us to be.

But how do you find time in your lovely, busy schedule to take care of home, family, work, cleaning, chores, errands and all the rest of the requirements packed into each day? The answer is: by detoxing your schedule!

* Think of your calendar like any other room in your home. Let me explain. When you deep-clean a room you clear out all of the furniture, take everything off the walls and start over with a blank canvas. Your calendar should be the same way - clear it off completely so you have a plain white sheet in front of you.

* Define those #1 most-important activities. These include, but are not limited to, church services and activities, errands for family necessities like groceries, driving to school and work, and basic chores around the house. The first things are those you would "pen in" because they are requirements of the day.

* Next come those activities that aren't necessities, but still need to be done. This is where the deep-cleaning of the entryway comes in. This is the "get the paper work sorted" stage. This is where you write thank you notes, groom the dogs and clear out the refrigerator. If they aren't high up in your priority list, they'll get hidden underneath the "extras" you add in.

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:24

* And now some serious detoxification of your schedule. What did you have on that full schedule before that doesn't need to go back on the new, cleaned schedule? What have you agreed to take on that is causing unneeded stress and strain? Are there activities on your calendar that cause you to run around like a headless chicken unnecessarily? Whether they have become integral parts of who you think you are, your day is ultimately controlled

* Schedule in your fun time. If you're not planning some excitement and relaxation in your day, you may not get any. Watch a movie with the family. Read a book for a few minutes in the middle of the day. Break up your household chores with a great cup of coffee and some fruit. Any smart woman will tell you that a crammed schedule can be contaminated like anything else, but the victorious woman will do something to clean it out.

Get creative with your new detoxed schedule and find some great ways to serve the Lord with all that time! Tomorrow I'll give you some great ideas and suggestions to do just that and continue your detox process.


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