Hidden Journaling Blocks For Your Scrapbook Pages

We had an absolutely fabulous time in South Dakota over my birthday weekend. So a fabulous trip needs an equally fabulous scrapbook, right? I'm glad you agree. It's in the works!

One of my biggest challenges is having enough journaling space on each page. I want to tell the stories I wrote in my actual journal by the pictures, but there's not always room. That's where creative, hidden journaling blocks come in.

For this page, I started with a torn background and side border. This is the first page of pictures in the album, so it's going to set the tone and theme for the entire book. I purposely chose the kraft book for that outdoorsy feel, and there's so much paper in my stash that will go with this.

I wanted all four pictures to have a hidden journal block behind them, so I just started at the top and worked my way down. Here's the method for all of them: start with the picture in the bottom left corner with the top of the photo on the right side. This will make perfect sense in a minute, trust me.

Then use a paper trimmer and cut the card stock to make an equal border on three sides. The strip of paper should be on the left side of the picture.

Then fold the card stock so the left side of the picture has a border of the same thickness. Crease it and cut off the excess from the right side to make it into a "folder."

All you need now is a light-colored piece of card stock to mat inside for your journaling block. 

Now, when you attach it to the page, you'll have a tucked-away journaling space. This is especially useful if you don't necessarily want everyone who looks at the book to read your personal thoughts. Very easily.

Once I made all four of my hidden journal blocks, I arranged them on the page and added the title.

It's not completely embellished yet because it's difficult to write in the book with 3D accents already attached. Such a simple answer.

So here's the page to this point. I can't wait to see what I can hide on the next one!


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