How To Get Your Fruit Of The Spirit Looking Fresh Again

One of my four favorite coffee mugs has the fruit of the spirit written on it in a beautiful font. (Yes, I have that many favorite cups. I'm sure you do, too.) Seeing these words first thing in the morning reminds me that there's nothing more beautiful in this world than a woman who is growing and flourishing because of God's word.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

It's a beautiful blessing from the Lord to have all these fruit growing inside us and changing us for the better. The Spirit is constantly at work in our hearts and minds, making us more like Christ every single day.

But what about the days when your fruit is just past its peak of freshness? You're becoming just a little bitter around the edges. Your patience is being tried so you've lost a little peace. You're still doing good things, but your actions and reactions aren't as gentle as they have been.

When the fruit of the Spirit in my life aren't looking so ripe and beautiful, it's usually because I'm spending too much time tangled up in the world and not enough time with Jesus.

What is the most important part of our day, but the one we usually give up first when we're busy? Surprisingly, it's not breakfast. It's our quiet time with the Lord.

We convince ourselves that we'll get to it after while, just as soon as we get these other things done, but that rarely happens. So then our fruit starts turning brown.

We tell the Lord that we'll teach that class again or write that lesson again as soon as things slow down. And our fruit gets a little moldy on the side.

We don't stop running long enough to write that note of thanks or condolence or encouragement, even though we know someone who would be deeply touched by such a simple gift of words. And our fruit gets a little mushy in the middle.

By the time we realize what's happened, our fruit of the Spirit looks like we're had it hidden in the back of the refrigerator for a few months. And you know exactly what that smells like, right?

But, in contrast to the fruit you eat, the Spirit can refresh and revive His fruit right here in our hearts. All it takes is time. Time with Him in prayer. Time spent with our Bibles. Time studying and learning. Teach. Read. Talk. Discuss. Ask. Be still. This time is an investment in a garden full of fruit that can change everything.

So no more excuses, and no more withering, moldy fruit. Let's see what time spent with Jesus will do for our hearts, our attitudes and our reactions. Let's see what the Spirit can grow in a woman's life when she's dedicated to growing her fruit!


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