Dirty Rice Wraps For A Pantry-Clearing Meal

How often do you make a pantry-clearing meal just so you can use up what you have on hand? It's a great way to make good use of ingredients that might be nearing their expiration date, which saves you money and frustration, and it lets you get really creative in the kitchen. Double the practicality and double the fun!

So a couple of weeks ago I thawed a pound of ground beef because I had several pounds just sitting the freezer. From the pantry I grabbed a box of dirty rice mix and some small tortillas. And from the refrigerator I pulled out shredded Mexican cheese blend and my favorite peach salsa.


Following the directions on the box, I cooked up the dirty rice, which is one of my favorites! Then I layered the mix with shredded cheese and a little bit of salsa. To wrap them up, I folded in the sides of the tortilla first, then rolled them up into little balls of goodness. 

Once they're all wrapped up and topped with a spoonful of salsa and more cheese, I pop them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes - just long enough to get them all melty and wonderful. Then they're ready to serve with chips and salsa, some fruit and a fun dessert. 

If you went to your pantry right this minute, what could you create for dinner that you've never made before?


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