Cold Weather Days Bring Out The Puppies In Our Dogs

It looks and feels like fall in southeast Iowa this week. We even had a taste of winter last week with a day of snow! These cool, crisp days always bring out the puppy in our dogs, who are torn between playing outside and curling up inside where it’s warm. Over the weekend Callie learned that she can get up in the papasan chair and have some cozy naps.

Danny’s parents have been with us for the past three weeks, and their dog Triniti got to run with the big dogs. She was just as excited about running around outside as our puppers, but it was also good to watch the wildlife go by from the inside.

Cold weather means they want to play outside, but they really don’t once they get out there. Then we get these pitiful looks through the door, trying to stir up enough sympathy for someone to let them back in.

Our basement is always 10-15 degrees cooler than the main floor, so staying close together and under blankets becomes a necessity during the fall and winter months. Needless to say, that’s a challenge with a 120-pound lap dog.

But when all is said and done, the dogs all love being together as a pack. Even if they’re not huddled together for warmth on a crisp fall morning, they prefer to be touching each other, or at least be able to see one another. And when it’s cold around that big bay window, puppy warmth is the best way to stay comfy.


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