The Truth About Our Spiritual Enemy

We often give too much power and too much authority to the devil in our lives. He is a very real enemy, and we are called in Scripture to be very aware of his presence in the world. However, we cannot attribute anything and everything that happens in our lives to him.

The devil cannot read your mind, he cannot be everywhere at once and he does not have God's permission to do anything to you that he wants. He is very powerful, however, and it is in our best interest to be prepared for spiritual battle against him at any given moment.

So this week, I pray that you will take some time to study the Scriptures and see exactly what they say about the differences between the enemy and our all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present God.

The devil is called your adversary for a reason. He uses you for his own purposes.
God wants the most personal, intimate relationship you have to be with Him.

The devil desperately wants you to think things are worse than they are.
God gently reminds you that you have so much to be thankful for.

The devil gives you just enough truth to convince you to believe his lies.
God is the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

The devil's goal is to devour, as a roaring lion would.
God sent His Son as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, for our salvation.

The devil has been sin and evil from the beginning.
God has been purity and honor since before time, and will be throughout eternity.

The devil tries to show you good and wonderful things when his own light is just a disguise.
God shines His perfect light through you for all the world to see.

The devil magnifies himself to make you think he's unstoppable.
God's word says you can submit to Him, resist the devil and he will have to flee.

The devil spends his time scheming and dreaming up new ways to distract you.
God spends His time drawing you closer to Him so nothing can steal your attention.

The devil spins webs of lies to catch you like a fly.
God speaks uplifting words so you will soar like an eagle.

The devil is here to steal, kill and destroy.
God came to earth so we can have abundant life.

The devil has a place prepared for him in hell as his eternal punishment.
God is waiting for the day you will be with Him in heaven, worshiping and praising Him for all eternity.

For scriptural references about the devil and his attributes, start here:
* 1 Peter 5:8
* 1 John 3:4-10
* 2 Corinthians 11:14
* James 4:7
* Ephesians 6:11-12
* 2 Corinthians 4:4
* John 10:10


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