A Weekend Of Learning

The birds have learned my shopping schedule. They've figured out when I bring in groceries it means that there will be more bird seed in their feeder. It's kind of weird - I think Hitchcock did a movie about this.

In addition, a squirrel has learned that he can bully his way up to the bird feeder, scare the birds away and eat his fill. He's also learned the sound the door to the deck makes when I race out to chase him away. He learned quickly.

If the animals can learn, shouldn't we be learning all the more?

Show me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation. On thee do I wait all the day. Psalm 25:4-5

Make this a weekend of learning. God has promised to teach us all we can imagine if we'll just seek out that wisdom. It's there for the taking - we just need to come before Him with open minds and open hearts.

Do you remember when you longed for understanding and something new from the Scriptures? Find that passion and yearning again this weekend. I pray we'll all find it and learn all we can from the Lord.


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