Choose Joy

When you wake up each morning, you're immediately bombarded with choices.

Get out of bed or hit the snooze button three times?
Get around and dressed or stay in your pj's all day?
Hair up or hair down?
Cereal or pancakes?
Bible reading or hurry to work?

And as the day goes on, the choices get more difficult.

Speak your mind or hold your tongue?
Share your faith or shy away?
Work a little harder or give up?
Support a friend or turn away?

In all of these situations, and all the difficult times each day brings, one decision can make all the difference.

Choose joy.

It's not an easy decision, but it changes your life.

Choose joy.

This has become my meditation phrase lately, and it does change you from the inside out. From the top down. From your head to your heart.

Complaining is your first instinct. Gossiping makes you feel better. Whining and muttering are simple.

Choose joy instead.

You are the only one who can change your mindset and your attitude.

When you're faced with the decision, choose joy. God's joy. The joy that bubbles over and runs through your entire being and into the lives of others.

Choose joy.

In this situation - in all situations - choose the joy of the Lord.

It changes everything.


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