What's Wrong With Change?

Yesterday was my 36th birthday. (Special, wonderful thank-yous to everyone who helped me celebrate.) It was a lovely day, one that makes me excited to see what this next year will bring.

If it's anything like this past year, it's going to bring change. These 12 months have been filled with a myriad of new, different, sometimes good, sometimes not-so-good changes. 

But think about it - aren't we changing a little every single day? We learn something, experience something or receive something that makes us different than when we started the day. It's the little things that really add up to making huge changes in our lives.

We only really see the impact of these changes when we step back and look at the time as a whole. It's like trying to watch your hair grow every day versus noticing the difference six months later.

And change doesn't have to have negative connotations. We get comfortable with the way things are, so change rocks our world a little. The unexpected rips us out of our comfort zone and forces us to adjust our way of living and thinking,

Have you ever caught yourself saying:
But I like things the way they are.
This is the way I've always done it.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

When we're walking closely with The Lord, change can be a welcome, exciting thing. We can trust that every single change that comes into our day will have gone through His filtering hands. Resting in God and welcoming the changes He desires in our lives can have some amazing results.

It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

So I'm excited to see what great and wonderful changes God has in store for me today. How about you?


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