Creative Punching ... On Cards

Do you ever get tired of creating the same cards over and over again? Are there new ways to do something different with tools you already have?

I answered both of those questions this weekend with a resounding "YES!"

Creativity needs a little boost every now and then, and this punched card did it for me. Just by backing the punched images with contrasting paper, I was able to made a 3D card that literally "popped."

All you have to do is randomly punch you paper. Any image will do.

Then choose papers that are drastically contrasting so they'll really stand out.What? These don't you say? Well, that's because this is the back of the top layer. Use regular one-sided tape so it won't stick to the card. We're going to raise it on 3D adhesive!

And it's that simple. Imagine this with butterflies or circles for bubbles or another great shape.

You can find this card and lots of other great Christian gifts in our Etsy shop at


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