Record Your Thanksgiving Blessings

If God has richly blessed you this year, and I can guarantee that He has, use this Thanksgiving gathering to record some of those blessings.

While you have everyone gathered, take turns sharing what God has done in your life. Choose one of the ideas below or come up with your own way to record them and look back next year at how He has done exceeding abundantly above all you could ask or think.

* Leaves: Give everyone a construction paper leaf and have them write out what they're thankful for. Then combine them all for a gratitude tree or a table decoration.

* Photo mat: Set the timer on the camera and take a group photo. Have each person write their blessings on an over-sized photo mat and add the picture later. You'll have a conversation piece all year long once you hang it up.

* Mini-album: Make a small album with each person's picture in it. Then they can write and decorate it with their words of thanksgiving.

* Turkey feathers: A great one for kids. Everyone gets a paper feather to write their gratitude on. Draw or print out a turkey body, then see how many feathers he can accumulate by the end of the day.

* Gratitude journal: Start a new tradition by decorating a large notebook with fall colors and patterns. Then each year, whoever celebrates Thanksgiving with you can add their gratitude and blessings to the list.


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