A Heart Convicted

What do you do when you feel that rumbling in your heart? You know what I mean - the poke or squeeze or tug that God does around the very center of your being. You can feel Him leading and guiding through the convicting of your heart.

Conviction is not a bad thing. It's not a condemnation or judgement. A heart convicted simply means that the Lord is dealing with about an issue in your life and cares so deeply that He'll reach into the very depths of you to converse about it.

Does that mean that a convicted heart is a happy heart? Maybe, but probably not. It's hard to accept that something needs to change and be done differently. Conviction tells us that there's room for growth, stepping out of our comfort zone and finding God's footprints on this brand new path. That's not easy for anyone.

And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things. Mark 6:34
What an amazing example of conviction and moving in our hearts. Jesus was moved with compassion for the people, and the only response He could make was to do all He could. He recognized the moving of God in the situation and immediately went into action. It was that response that glorified God and changed people's lives.

My heart has been under conviction over two or three topics lately, and that conviction was never more apparent than at our ladies retreat this weekend. When you hear lessons that so clearly match what God has already been discussing with you, you can't help but make a decision for Him.

I thank our dear, sweet Mina Oglesby for allowing the Lord to speak through her and directly into my heart. He used her to convict me in such a way that there is no doubt I understand more about what He wants from me in my daily life. I am blessed beyond measure that she was available and willing to share God with our ladies this weekend.

But now, that convicted heart rests solely in my hands. I have two choices, as do you - submit to God's will or continue on my own path. The first leads to peace, joy and life more abundant. The second leads to frustration, discouragement and friction.

What do you think God is leading you to do with your convicted heart?


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