Prayers For The New Year From 1 Thessalonians

Lord, I read Your word, and I find myself praying to You using Your own words. The new year is coming so quickly, and I want to live the way You would have so I can serve You the way You desire.

Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all menv14 

I hate to pray for patience, Lord, because I know You will put me in situations where I need patience. But I know this is how I grow, though, and I pray that You will move me, change me, and help me be more compassionate.

See that none render evil for evil unto any manbut ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. v15

Show me how to be a positive spiritual influence on everyone in my sphere. Help me to follow hard after Your good things, both to be an example and to strengthen my faith every day.

Rejoice evermore. v16

In You, my joy is full. I pray that You will show me the moments of joy in the year to come, that I will see them everywhere, and that the joy in my heart with spill over to everyone You place in my path.

Pray without ceasing. v17

May my heart also be in an attitude of prayer, praising You, and thanking You for the countless blessings You fill my life with. Strengthen our relationship so our conversation is constantly going.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. v18

Remind me how much there truly is to be thankful for and see Your hand moving in my life. Show me that this moment is Your will and has gone through Your filtering hand.

Quench not the Spirit. v19

Please don't let any of my choices go against what Your Spirit wants from me. Help me hear Your still small voice above all others.

Despise not prophesyings. v20

I want to take all Your words - preaching, teaching, reading - to my heart. Move within me to accept what You say and find comfort in Your grace.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. v21

Lord, touch my heart and convict me to find Your truth in Your word myself. Don't let me rely on others, but find Your good and hold on to it as tightly as I can. Don't let me be swayed by those around me who don't know You.

Abstain from all appearance of evil. v22

It isn't just staying away from evil things, but staying away from anything that even looks like it's not from You. I don't ever want to give the impression that 

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. v23

Cleanse me, Lord, see if there be any wicked way in me, and preserve me until You return to gather Your children. That is the desire of my heart.

Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. v24

Thank You for Your faithfulness, which I see every minute of every day. You have promised me so many things, and I look forward to seeing how You will do them in the new year.

Brethren, pray for us. v25

Lay the people on my heart who need my prayer the most, so I can intercede in every way I can. Remind me that prayer is my greatest weapon against the enemy, and keep the lines of communication open.

As we begin 2024, Lord, keep me close to You. Help me live the way You would have so that Your will be done and Your purpose be fulfilled.

In Jesus' precious and holy name, I pray - Amen!


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