Reading Through The Bible In A Year

If you've been following along with the Daily Devotion on this site, you've just read through the entire Bible in less than 50 weeks. It's truly hard to believe that it's been that long, but it's been a blessed journey.

We've watched the Lord of all Creation make a universe...and then create a man. Through the miracle of His power He made that man a help meet, which started our own beautiful family.

But we've also had to read about sin coming into the world and the need of man for a Savior. From the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Revelation, we've clearly seen that scarlet thread that is the blood of Jesus Christ work its way through history.

We've seen how God can use a shepherd, a slave girl, a king, a harlot, a publican, a Pharisee, a fisherman and thousands of other lives to give glory and honor to the King of kings and Lord of lords. If He can do that with this variety of people, what can He use me for?

And possibly the best part of all, we've seen how God sent His only begotten Son as a substitute for each one of us. Blood had to be shed for the forgiveness of sins, and it should have been us on that cross suffering. But grace and mercy took over, and Jesus Christ took our place. Glory to His holy name!

So now there's a new question on the horizon: Do we stop here? We've made it through the Bible and there's a feeling of accomplishment. Do we really need to read more, or again, or still?

The joy of the Word of God that you hold in your hand is that it is a Living Word. Every time we read through its pages, the Holy Spirit leads us to different meanings, new applications and assuring verses. It is never the same twice, although the message is always and eternally the same.

I pray that each of us will continue to search God's Word daily to find His direction and leadership in our own personal lives. He can speak directly to our heart when we make the decision to read and listen.

And I can only imagine what He has in store for us when we turn the next page!

Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: liveth and abideth for ever. 1 Peter 1:22-23


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