A Tree Planted

Even though we haven't had very much rain this summer, our ponds are still high and absolutely gorgeous. Everything is green and lush, and if you put on a little bug spray, you can spend hours down by the water.

It reminds me of that beautiful verse from Psalms:

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalm 1:3

We are so blessed beyond measure to have a God Who loves us enough to prosper us. I'm not just getting by - I'm spilling over with an abundance of blessings! That green tree there in the picture - that's me!

But if you turn around from that exact same spot, you'll see this tree. It's just a little set back from the water, but it is completely dead. It's one of our projects to get this tree down before the beavers do.

The tree was attacked by a disease and it couldn't fight it. Now it's just dead and decaying, falling apart from the top down. It's sad to see when there are so many green, healthy trees right around it.

That can happen to us, too, if we let it. We can be close enough to the water to reach out and touch it, but we allow the diseases of the world to eat away at us until we can't survive. Then we wither up and die like the tree did.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather be the tree planted by the rivers of water, bringing forth an abundance of fruit and enjoying the prosperity of the Lord. That's the life we were given to rejoice in.


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