Why Prayer For Yourself On Your Anniversary Is Important To Your Husband

Gracious heavenly Father, help me to love You first, with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind. I am Yours before I am my husband's, and I love and honor him because I love and honor You.

Touch my heart, help me not be jealous, not boastful, not self-seeking, but patient, kind, always trusting, hoping, and persevering. These are difficult fruit of the Spirit to cultivate, but with You, all things are possible. My husband is my heart, and I want to show him mine every day. Please help me to treat him the way I want him to treat me.

Enable me to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. I desire these traits in my character so that I can prevent communication problems before they begin. Let my words be kind, uplifting, and full of Your truth. Keep me from speaking lies, half-truths, and exaggerations.

Help me be content in all my circumstances so I can treasure my marriage, my home, and my husband as blessings from You. I know that You have blessed us beyond measure, and I thank You now for what You've already done for us, what You're doing today, and what You already have planned for our future.

Through whatever trials we face in our life together, help me to consider it pure joy because I know that the testing of my faith produces perseverance. You have not promised that our path will be easy, but You have promised to be with us as a three-fold cord that cannot be broken. Show me how to focus on You each step of the way.

Please help me cultivate inner beauty, to be gentle and quiet in spirit. Let my gentleness be evident to all, especially to my husband. Encourage me to love him, respect him, and pray for him every day for the rest of our lives.

Teach me to put away all bitterness and instead be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving as You have forgiven me. Only then will I be able to be all that You have called me to be as a wife. Don't allow the trials of life to harden my heart, but soften it and fill it with love and compassion for my husband and those around me.

May Your peace, which passes all understanding, guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. Peace in my heart will translate into peace in my home, in my marriage, and in my everyday life. Stir up my heart to build our home, not tear it down, and Your peace and hope will make that possible.
As we celebrate our 18th anniversary and the new year, let me always remember that Your grace is sufficient for whatever comes our way in the days to come. All these things I pray in the precious and holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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