What About Your Attitude?

One of the biggest struggles I've been having lately is with my attitude. The situations themselves aren't that bad, but the way I react to them can be. This just escalates to the point where I'm stressed, tired and frustrated.

If you're having these same problems, here's what I've been using to shake myself of a bad attitude.
Don't Let Your Attitude Ruin The Day Jesus Christ Died For You To Have

This word is the contraction for "do" and "not." The Bible is our guide for the do's and don'ts in our lives. And what are the reasons for these don'ts? They've been given by God for our protection, our obedience and for fulfilling God's perfect will.

The word means "allow," and that means you're making exceptions for what you would normally do, or rightly do. The dogs aren't allowed in the kitchen, but... Sound familiar? 

This is personal - it's yours, not anyone else's. There's no one else to blame or thank because it belongs to you alone.

Attitude begins in the mind, but it spreads throughout your entire being. Proverbs 23:7 says For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. That's how powerful your thought life can be and why it must be controlled.

This always makes me think of the castle ruins in Europe, the result of battle and destruction. There's nothing left and you have to clear away the rubble and start over. That's exactly what our bad attitude can do - ruin our lives, those around us, our experiences, our home and our church.

The Day
What makes up your day? Praise, prayer, love, work, interactions, worship, fellowship, quiet time, family time, priorities, entertainment, joy, peace, sleep. All of these things will be ruined if your attitude is in the wrong place.

Jesus Christ
There's just something about that name, right? You're not comfortable saying His name unless you know Him.

Died For You
 Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice ... for you! John 10:9 says I am the door: by me if any man enter in he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. This is the ultimate verse of confidence. It's not just the rich, powerful or famous. ANY may enter in and have life more abundantly. That means you.

To Have
Jesus died for you to possess this day, not just exist through it. We can embrace and enjoy the day because it came from Jesus Christ Himself. Who are we to reject the gift God has given?

So what about your attitude now? Are you ready to live a joyful, abundant life without your attitude getting in the way? Now is the time. I'll be right there with you.


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