Finding A Healthy Life Balance

Over the past few weeks, all the reporters at our paper have been gathering stories for a special Progress edition. The theme each year is: Southern Iowans who are making a difference. As busy as we've been traveling all over the area, we've met some amazing people who are doing some amazing things to make a difference in their communities.

One of the common themes that I noticed in several of them - whether that part gets put into print or not - is how important balance is. So many of us are busy beyond belief and trying to cram 25 hours of stuff into a 24-hour day. But if there's no balance to life, everything suffers.

So here are a few of the things I personally learned from these difference-makers:

* Balance mind, body and spirit every day.
* If you aren't taking care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else.
* Whatever you're doing, do it with all your heart.
* Try something new - you never know what you enjoy until you try it.
* Express gratitude every chance you have.
* Encourage others when you see them struggling.
* If what you're doing doesn't bring you and those around you joy, find something else.
* Enhance your life with the arts - theater, music, art and writing increase your well-being.
* Do whatever you're able to support your community. Just be there.
* Be aware of the needs around you - and within yourself - and be ready to act on them.
* Take on a servant's attitude.
* Give others the accolades and the focus when things go well.
* There's always something new and exciting coming along - enjoy it!

The special Progress section will come out in just a couple of weeks and I'm so excited! I pray it's as much of an inspiration to everyone else as it has been to me.


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