Following God's Path

Are you experiencing the perfect peace of walking on God's perfect path for you? Have you chosen the serenity of doing God's will and found the joy that comes from following His course?

Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight. Psalm 119:35

After much prayer, asking the Lord to show us His perfect will for our lives, we will be moving back home to Iowa in a few weeks. He has opened so many doors for us that it would be both dangerous and disrespectful to not walk through them.

God is leading us down a path we've never travelled before, but He has. He has already seen the layout, the bumps in the road and the joys of the rest stops along the way. We're looking forward to rediscovering my home town and enjoying our fellowship with friends and family.

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11

At the same time, we are emotionally torn over leaving the city that has been our home for six years. We fell in love with our church family immediately, and our work and community relationships have been strengthened over those years. But the Lord has shown us the path we are to be on for now and we are at peace with it.

What better, more joyful place to be than in the middle of the perfect will of God?

So over the next few weeks you will see me here a little less often as we pack, clean and prepare to move. It's an exciting journey and I pray you'll follow along as we make it.


  1. Best wishes during your move. I know it is a bittersweet time, but it's always best to follow God's will. . .even when we don't understand.


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